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Modern interpretation of the Gwanghwasu suitable for the 5G era using a symbolic monument, Augmented Reality and Big Data technology

Main monument surrounded by seven smaller ones. Each of them is a marker for the AR contents. Users can access WebAR version by scanning the QR Code available at the nearby kiosk or download Mobile application. Contents are also available on AR glasses that can be rented.

Gwanghwasu monument displays people’s stories and shaped into tree branches and fruits. Smaller monumnets are the stands for the members of a K-pop Band EXO

Content Details

Gwanghwasu AR

#Hashtag tree that empathises with humanity. Gwanghwasu monument serves as a marker for the AR content


Scan smaller monuments to summon members of K-pop Group to greet you and recommend their favourite music

광화수 AR 체험 예시
광화수 AR 위치 지도

Gwanghwasu AR is available at the monument in front of The Seoul Shinmun Daily office