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AR Photo Zone

Capture Augmented Reality Photos directly in web browsers!

  • A solution for capturing augmented 3D characters, photos, and videos by illuminating specific objects or places.
  • Beneficial for brand promotion through user participation events, such as social media sharing.

AR Coloring

Coloring in Augmented Reality directly within web browsers!

  • A fun and educational approach to play and learning, where user-colored images spring to life as 3D models, nurturing emotional development in children.
  • Ideal for creating integrated products like e-books, print materials, and word cards, as well as diversifying services.

AR Post

Create an Augmented Reality Bulletin Board directly in your web browser!

  • A convenient solution that enables users to instantly leave digital messages on designated objects or specific locations.
  • With low user access barriers, it’s particularly beneficial for developing public services catering to celebrity fan communities.

AR Quest

An engaging mission game seamlessly integrated into web browsers for a thrilling augmented reality experience.

  • An innovative gaming solution that provides diverse missions, mini-games, and rewards using location-based services.
  • Beneficial for elevating services through local events, brand promotions, and seamless integration with other solutions.

AR Navigation

Seamless Augmented Reality Navigation Experience in Web Browsers!

  • Enhanced navigation experience integrating satellite maps to offer detailed information about nearby facilities and locations.
  • Enhanced Promotion and Attraction of Services by Providing Brand Information and Engaging Experiences in Preferred Locations.

AR Guide

Augmented Reality Information Guide Directly in Web Browsers!

guide title
  • A docent solution providing relevant information and explanations through recognition of specific areas, products, and artworks.
  • Favorable for detailed guidance in product introductions, artwork explanations, and promotional information delivery.